Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sarah Calls Out The Chicago Thug Machine.

Sarah's new face book posting is used to ask the president to fire his White House chief of staff for a crude and insensitive outburst. He called some participants in a strategy session, "f***ing retarded." The insensitivity of this statement, and the insult to any American with a family member born with a learning or mental disability is appalling. Like she said in her face book posting, no one would condone someone using the N word or a similar racial slur. She is the warrior for those facing discrimination because of a mental disability or a birth condition that limits learning. Of course her own decision to bring to term her precious downs syndrome son, Trig, is an inspiration to all pro-life Americans, and gives courage to other women in similar situations.

She practices what she preaches, and that character strength is the most attractive appeal to millions of Americans. I ran a poll recently on this blog, and I asked what was Sarah's most appealing characteristic, and by far her character was number one from a choice of four, with 74%...Her policies positions was second, with 23%, and her accomplishments was a distant third. It seems millions of Americans are tired of the hypocrisy and corruption that plagues Washington. Every day Americans are desiring a new kind of politician that puts principle and integrity above policy. Her courage to take on a Washington establishment, and seemingly to get their attention is causing her star to rise at light speed. Rahm Emmanuel has already apologized for the incident, and Sarah's face book posting was the catalyst for that apology. There's no word yet on whether the president will take Sarah's advice and replace Emmanuel, but I wouldn't hold my breathe. This president doesn't seem to have the decency and courage to do what's right in the face of a crude and appalling statement by a member of his Chicago thug machine.

Another recent poll by the Daily Kos seems to be causing a buzz.. By a whopping 53 to 14% the republicans in this poll believe Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama himself. Of course we all knew that all along, but many in the republican party are discovering for themselves Sarah's qualifications. She has had a very good last three months, and a new magazine named "Sarah Palin," hit news stands in mid January. The magazine sells for $8.99 and its cover has a picture of Sarah with the words, "Sarah Palin ..the untold story..in her own words...faith, family, freedom...Can she save America?... Sarah had nothing to do with the publication of this magazine, and it apparently has over 100 pages of must see pictures. There is no commentary contained in the magazine. The sky's the limit for the Alaskan phenom....and the more people see of her, without the filter of the mainstream media, the more they like her. Keep holding them accountable... Sarah....
Read: Sarah And Barack...A Lesson In Media Bias....at....cooperscopy

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